Custom Adoption
Custom adoption is an extension of custom care, which provides temporary or alternate care for Aboriginal children whose parents are not able to care for them. Custom adoption enables Aboriginal families, organizations, and communities to use a culturally appropriate way of sharing in the permanency planning for Aboriginal children. Each case is designed to meet the unique cultural, spiritual, and linguistic needs of a child.
NIFCS has been an active participant in Custom Adoptions research and committed to learn more about how community-center custom adoption practices may benefit their member Nations as a viable alternative to foster care ongoing.
CLICK HERE to learn more about Custom Adoption
CLICK HERE to access First Peoples Child and Family Review
Special Issue on Custom Adoptions
Children and youth who are in continuing custody of the agency are provided with services through a guardianship worker. The guardianship worker ensures that planning for children and youth takes into account the specific needs of the child and prepares the child for either permanency or independence. Services are provided until a child or youth reaches the age of 19. After a youth leaves care, some services may be available to those who pursue post-secondary education or complete specific kinds of educational or other programs.
The focus of our work with the children and youth is to ensure that their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs are being met at all times. The Social Workers are part of a team which includes the child/youth, their caregiver(s), their birth family, as well as any community partners that may be involved (i.e. Teachers, Youth Probation, Child and Youth Mental Health, etc).