Working Towards a Better Tomorrow
Family Support Services Agreements may be provided for a term (renewable) of up to 6 months may include, but are not limited to, the following:
Services for Children and Youth
In-home Support
Respite Care
Parenting Programs
Voluntary Care Agreements
All services are provided on a voluntary basis recognizing that it is the parent who knows best what services may meet their child or family’s needs. Some services are offered directly to the family at their home while other services may provide substitution care for a child outside the family home.
Collaborative & Forward-looking

NIFCS has implemented an evidence-based parenting program aimed at strengthening parenting skills and family connection.
The Strengthening Families Program involves the whole family and they learn new ways of communicating with each other, dealing with peer pressure and setting rules and consequences, while still showing love. Lessons are taught through easy to follow videos, activities and fun games for kids, so it doesn’t feel like school! Share a meal and have family fun time together.

We see every challenge as an opportunity, and this initiative helps us ensure that our partners are better prepared to manage the unique situations they find themselves in. We are invested in an innovative approach that empowers our community and delivers the support they need, when they need it.

As a C6 delegated Agency, NIFCS will be responsible to review, assess, and investigate reports of child abuse, neglect, or exploitation of children for the children and families living on Member Band Reserves. When this happens, NIFCS will have a dedicated intake worker to:
• Respond to community member inquiries for service.
• Receive and assess any reports of concern for a child’s health or safety.
NIFCS is committed to working collaboratively and inclusively with the family, extended family and community guided by the community protocols in place (currently under development). Check back here for the final protocols when ready.

When circumstances prevent a child from living with parents, the preferred option is for the child to be cared for by someone they know. This usually means an immediate family member – a grandparent, aunt or uncle, or an older sibling – it can also include someone with an established relationship or cultural connection to the child and their family. NIFCS may offer a child’s Caregivers financial help and other support services as required.